« The Once and Future King »
Ren Mistwalker

An exile, cast from his home.
An adventurer, in search of challenge and coin.
A wandering swordsman, seeking power and purpose.

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Name | Ren Mistwalker |
Alias | "Archangel" |
Gender | ♂ |
Race | Viera/Rava |
Namesday | 17th Sun of the Third Umbral Moon |
Occupation | Adventurer / Hunter |
Sexuality | Heterosexual / Polyamorous |
Alignment | Chaotic Good |
Element | Wind (Umbral) |
Food | Pizza, Steak, & Watermelon |
Drink | Mead & Milk |
Season | Autumn |
Likes | Arcana/Relics, Swords, Women, Challenges |
Dislikes | Arrogance, Cruelty, Authority, Weakness |
Standing at six fulms, Ren is easily recognized by the striking tattoo over his left eye, his blue and yellow heterochromatic eyes, and his distinctive white hair. His athletic and toned body is built for dexterity and speed rather than brute strength, and is adorned with tattoos on his arms, back, and the lower part of his left calf.Ren's attire varies depending on his location, but he typically wears something black, accented with silver rather than gold, and often includes touches of cerulean or deep blue. In terms of armor, he favors light clothing or flexible leathers, prioritizing agility and evasion over direct protection.For those close enough or with a keen sense of smell, Ren carries a scent reminiscent of firewood and bourbon, with a subtle hint of the woods where he was born.

Ren is a kind and friendly soul, exuding a natural confidence and charm that's hard not to like. He loves excitement and adventure and is always seeking the next big challenge. He enjoys having fun and indulging his desires, often to the detriment of what would be considered "responsible." Quick-witted and snarky, his over-confidence tends to get him in trouble more often than not. At his worst, he's selfish and self-centered, prioritizing his desires over what others might want or need from him.
RP Hooks
A Chance Encounter: Sometimes the best way to meet someone is just to bump into them and introduce yourself!
Adventuring Party: It's common knowledge that one should seek companions from the adventurer's guild before departing on a quest.
Friendly Duel: After all, it's only proper for warriors to have a proper test of strength.
"I need healing!": In search of fun and danger, Ren finds himself in need of someone to see to his injuries more often than not.
Hunter's Mark: Perhaps you've been marked with a bounty, or maybe someone wants you dead, and has a hired a certain someone to take care of the job.
A Certain Set of Skills: Ren's primarily a fighter, and will often be in need of help when it comes to anything outside of that. Cooking, repairs, research, etc.
Festival Date: It's time for the annual <insert event> festival! Except there's no one to go with you. Unless...
Lost Pet: Oh noo, you've lost your <pet>! If only someone could magically come along to help you find it...

Short Stories
Coming Soon

RP Rule #1: I used to be a heavy RPer, but these days I have a lot of responsibilities IRL. Roleplay is a light, fun, side hobby now, so don't expect anything beyond that from me.
Schedule: Random. Work from my main job comes in waves, and when I'm not busy with that I'm usually working on comissions or creating content. So RP with me is sporatic, at best.
In-Game vs. Discord: Discord RP is easiest for my schedule, but I do enjoy in-game RP now and then.
Tell > Walkup: Sometimes I need a moment to slip into character, sometimes I'm working in my other monitor. Either way, sending a /tell first is always appreciated.
No IC/OOC Blending: I am happily married, so trying to live vicariously through any kind of RP relationship isn't going to end well.
RP Limits: No death or dismemberment, and anything of that nature that might have long-term IC consequences should be discussed OOCly beforehand.
Retcons: I've made the mistake before of tying my characters too closely to another writer, only for them to quit the game. So for any similiar situations in the future, I reserve the right to retcon any involvement with characters that have vanished.
ERP: In general, story comes first for me. Though, while this isn't an ERP-focused character, sometimes it's fun just to write smut.